~~TaPaK KaKi DiNaSor~~

Sunday, 19 June 2011

~~All BouT Luv~~

still alive in de house!!
hoho..hari ni nak cite2 sal cintan cintun...
sume org de rasa cinta..
law tnya pe maksud cinta...
jwpnnye yang pasti adalah subjektif:-)
law korang nak kte still alive jiwang...
jawapannye memang sah2 i jiwang u!!

kasihku pada seseorang yang bernama KEKASIH
still syggg sgt dy..smpai da terungkap...
law dy de bc entry ni...
hope dy dapat rasa..betapa still syggg dy!!!
luv u so much!!!

law awk g ane2...kite tunggu awakk...
sampai awk balik xkire la kul bpe:-)

law awk ade kje...
kite sanggup tunggu awk habis keje...
xdengar suara awk..xdapat mesej awk..
wat kite rindu awk sgt...

kadang2..kite suke wat awk sakit hati..
kadang2 kite suke tuduh awk mcm2..
tapi awk xpernah melenting...
xpernah bosan melayan karenah kite...
kite minta maaf sepanjang perhubungan kite:-)

i want to say i luv u damn much!!
hope we are hepy together....


p/s: SKY8MEN


Firdaus Life said...[Reply]

wow sweet gtu :)

Still alive said...[Reply]


Sky8Men said...[Reply]

u know...i really2 Love u Still alive!!! love u so0oo0 much!!

Still alive said...[Reply]

@Sky8Meni luv u 2..MR SKy8meN..TQ s0 much^_^

Anonymous said...[Reply]

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Take care - your friend Jennifer

Anonymous said...[Reply]

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Penile Implant said...[Reply]

Thank you, that was just an awesome post!!!

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